How to save more money on your monthly expenses

1- Change all bulbs to LED light bulbs

Did you know you could reduce your energy usage by up to 75% by using LED light Bulb? Yes according to Hydro one, this is one hack you can be doing right now to make a significant impact on your energy consumption.

2- Get the most out of Off Peak Hours
Off-peak schedule in Ontario:
Weekdays: Monday - Friday from 7 Pm to 7 Am,
Weekends: Friday 7 Pm to Monday 7 Am.
During the Off-Peak schedule, the electricity is cheaper. As of 2017, the cost electricity is 8.7
/KwHr. Off-Peak Hours are the best time to do the most energy demanding task such as laundry, dishwasher or Charging your Electric car.

3- Program your Thermostat
Do you have a programmable thermostat? If yes, you are in luck. Program a schedule where the temperature is set to 19 Degree either while you are sleeping or while you are away from home.

However, these tips are like playing defense only. Why play defense when you can play offense?

Here are 2 Bonus tips where you can change your expenses into profits or income.


1- Seek Better Deals for your Electricity and Heating Expenses

Did you know about the Energy Deregulation in Ontario? When it comes to your electricity or natural gas, you don’t have to go with only one supplier. Most people in Ontario are unaware of this and end up paying a premium price for their energy.
Meaning you are allowed to opt out from you agreement with your current supplier and go with the competition if you feel that they offer a better rate on their electricity or heating cost. There are even ways to get discounts on your monthly expenses for your referral.

2- Get paid Monthly and Raise the value of your House

In Ontario, You can have Solar panels installed on your roof and sell all the energy you produce straight to the grid. The microFIT is a limited incentive program expiring in December 2017 where you are allowed to sell your electricity and collect 28.8for every KwHr produce by your solar panels for the next 20 years.
Imagine, buying most of your energy during Off-Peak Hours while selling all your solar energy up to 20
/KwHr more. It’s the good old Buy low, Sell high. You can collect a paycheck every month from the energy you sell, and it offset your monthly expense plus profit in your pocket for the next 20 years.

You can take action today and do anyone of these bonus tips to start making money from the utility companies, but doing both of them is even better.

Click Here” and find out how much money you can start saving.